Monday, May 22, 2023

New deep water dwelling species discovered off the coast of Australia

The world's oceans cover approximately 70% of the surface of the Earth and are home to more life than anywhere on Earth. New species are being discovered every year. Taking this into consideration, the idea of large unknown Lake creatures dwelling in some of the deepest freshwater lakes in the world doesn't seem so far-fetched after all. After forty years of searching, scientists at the CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection have finally identified the mysterious creature leaving unique egg sacks in the deep water off the country's coast, discovering a new species in the process.

The demon catshark's unique egg sack. Courtesy of CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection

The demon catshark (apristurus ovicorrugatus). Only one specimen of the small ocean shark, identified by its bright white eyes, smooth dark skin, and uniquely ridged egg sack, has been found.

The specimen collected was a female with a fully intact egg pouch. The researchers positively matched the species with mysterious sacks that had baffled them for years. Dr. Will White, a senior scientist at the ANFC, told the news site "Insider" that they quickly realized they had found a new piece in "a jigsaw puzzle with 100 other pieces missing."

CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection team worked to identify a demon catshark based on sacks found off the Australian coast and cataloged 40 years ago by the National Fish Collection, tracking the shark's possible breeding locations until they caught a living specimen of the new breed.

"This particular species has a black pupil, with a bright white iris around it that stands out quite a lot for deep water sharks, which normally have very dark eyes, dark green or almost black eyes."

Initially, White's research group believed they had found a known species fitting a similar description that also has a white iris but determined that the demon catshark was genetically different.

"It's almost like this different evolutionary arm within this group of sharks — and we don't really know why they have this white iris," White said. "It could be something to do with attracting prey or something like that. We really don't know."

Not much is known about this species of catshark, White said. However, he noted that it swims in slightly shallower depths than other catsharks — approximately 1,000 meters deep, likely along ancient coastlines underwater. Like other catsharks, White believes that they are an opportunistic hunter, feeding on various crustaceans and fish as they pass by.

Catsharks are among the smaller species of sharks, averaging lengths of less than two and a half feet, according to PBS, and are generally found in warm ocean waters. They have between 40 and 110 rows of spiny teeth and, as slow-moving carnivores, tend to feed on small fish and invertebrates such as octopi and squid.

While the shark's Latin name is an homage to its ridged egg sack, its name references its dark skin and haunting eyes, which acts as a camouflage to sneak up on unsuspecting prey in deep, dark water.

"In deep water, it would almost just be like this ghost-like demon thing that would just be swimming really quietly through the water," White told Insider. "I can imagine, if you're a smaller prey out there, it would look like a demon coming in to get you." 

The identification of the demon catshark is a major discovery for marine taxonomists. White said the discovery highlights how little is known about ocean biodiversity.

"You know, sharks and rays, they're large animals compared to most other groups, and many people assume we know everything about all the sharks and rays, for example, whereas we're still finding new species every year," White told Insider. "And if you follow that down the chain from there, once you get to a smaller fish, there's a hell of a lot more of them. And then once you start looking at invertebrates, crustaceans, and mollusks — there's so much we don't understand."

It is discoveries like this that give me, and other Cryptozoologists, hope that one day our favorite cryptid will finally be brought into the zoology books. That would certainly be the start of a fascinating lifetime study as well as conservation for the species for years to come. 


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New deep water dwelling species discovered off the coast of Australia

The world's oceans cover approximately 70% of the surface of the Earth and are home to more life than anywhere on Earth. New species are...